Wee Care Placement Agency

Logo design, branding and website development for Wee Care Placement Agency, a Toronto-based nanny and caregiver placement agency. Wee Care has provided thousands of Greater Toronto Area residents with qualified, helpful caregivers to accommodate a variety of domestic help needs since 1996.

Wee Care was in dire need of some brand re-focus, visual consistency, and improved user experience. Their current website and CMS weren't meeting their marketing needs and functionality for their clientele. It was time to bring the whole identity under one cohesive brand experience.


Art Direction 
Creative Strategy
Graphic Design
Brand Identity
Web Development 

Creative Solution

I started the branding process with extensive company review, market research, and competitive benchmarking to inform our strategy development. With a detailed breakdown of the industry, target audience, and Wee Care’s goals, we defined a set of actionable opportunities to help us re-focus Wee Care towards a more upscale market.

The goal was to upgrade the overall look and feel of the website with a focus on more enterprise customers, bring back some creativity and quirkiness to the brand, provide visual consistency, improve core web vitals, emphasize value attribution, and build fast, easy-to-use CMS for their marketing team. 


Holocaust Education Week 2021


Moon Rocks